stdClass Object
[partnum] => 615310
[partid] => 10267
[descrip] => ALCOVE PACK TWO EAR 3/4" PANEL 1" POST 6LP
[sku] => 615310
[finishmaterial] => Polished Chrome Zamac
[youtubeid] =>
[websitelinearts] => Array
[webdescrip] => This product requires a special six-lobe with pin driver. Please be sure to order part# 96533, Drive:6-Lobe
[partoptid] => 0
[attributes] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[attributename] => Material
[attributevalue] => Zamac
[metadatavaluetext] => Zamac
[metadatavalueid] => 1
[valueinfo] => Zamac is a family of alloys with a base metal of zinc and alloying elements of aluminium, magnesium, and copper. It has good corrosion resistance
[metadatavalueimageid] => 0
[1] => stdClass Object
[attributename] => Finish
[attributevalue] => Polished Chrome
[metadatavaluetext] => Polished Chrome
[metadatavalueid] => 10
[valueinfo] => Polished Chrome is a mirror like finish
[metadatavalueimageid] => 0
[2] => stdClass Object
[attributename] => Pilaster Thickness
[attributevalue] => 1
[metadatavaluetext] => 1
[metadatavalueid] => 75
[valueinfo] =>
[metadatavalueimageid] => 0
[3] => stdClass Object
[attributename] => Panel Thickness
[attributevalue] => 3/4
[metadatavaluetext] => 3/4
[metadatavalueid] => 78
[valueinfo] =>
[metadatavalueimageid] => 0
[4] => stdClass Object
[attributename] => Drive
[attributevalue] => 6-Lobe
[metadatavaluetext] => 6-Lobe
[metadatavalueid] => 35
[valueinfo] =>
[metadatavalueimageid] => 0
[attributekey] => 1,10,75,78,35
[sortedattributekey] => 1,10,35,75,78
[caprop65compliancecode] => 1
[jsonwebproductimageid] => 105269
[jsonwebproductimages] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[productimageid] => 105269
[webstockstatuscode] => 1
[productsize] => stdClass Object
[productsizecode] => 1
[productsizename] => Small
[oversizeups] =>
[truckonly] =>
[productsizetooltip] =>
[id] => 1.589
[maxchangesequence] => 0
[productsizecode] => 1
[setupchargepartid] => 0
[sellmultiplecode] => 1
[finalsale] =>
[onwebsite] => 1
[prices] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[minqty] => 1
[maxqty] => 0
[price] => 46.00
[screwwizardavailable] =>
[bompartcostid] => 69049
[webpartcategorys] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[webpartcategoryid] => 4456
[partid] => 10267
[webcategoryid] => 22
[webcategoryname] => for 3/4" Thick Panels
[parentwebcategoryid] => 1