stdClass Object
[partnum] => 990009709
[partid] => 12933
[descrip] => 100 PACK (9709) BARREL NUT ONE WAY 10-24 X 1/2" STAINLESS
[sku] => 990009709
[finishmaterial] => Unplated Stainless Steel
[youtubeid] =>
[websitelinearts] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[websitelineartid] => 1252896
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[docrefnote] =>
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[id] => 1252896.1060
[maxchangesequence] => 0
[webdescrip] => Drive:One Way
[partoptid] => 0
[attributes] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[attributename] => Thread
[attributevalue] => 10-24
[metadatavaluetext] => 10-24
[metadatavalueid] => 5
[valueinfo] =>
[metadatavalueimageid] => 0
[1] => stdClass Object
[attributename] => Drive
[attributevalue] => One Way
[metadatavaluetext] => One Way
[metadatavalueid] => 34
[valueinfo] =>
[metadatavalueimageid] => 0
[2] => stdClass Object
[attributename] => Length
[attributevalue] => 1/2
[metadatavaluetext] => 1/2
[metadatavalueid] => 79
[valueinfo] =>
[metadatavalueimageid] => 0
[3] => stdClass Object
[attributename] => Material
[attributevalue] => Stainless Steel
[metadatavaluetext] => Stainless Steel
[metadatavalueid] => 7
[valueinfo] => Stainless steel does not readily corrode, rust or stain with water as ordinary steel does. Will tarnish if exposed to acids or other caustic chemicals. See cleaning instructions in FAQs. Some alloys of Stainless are slightly magnetic
[metadatavalueimageid] => 0
[4] => stdClass Object
[attributename] => Finish
[attributevalue] => Unplated
[metadatavaluetext] => Unplated
[metadatavalueid] => 41
[valueinfo] => Raw metal, may have variations in finish depending on manufacturing process
[metadatavalueimageid] => 0
[attributekey] => 5,34,79,7,41
[sortedattributekey] => 5,7,34,41,79
[caprop65compliancecode] => 2
[jsonwebproductimageid] => 117954
[jsonwebproductimages] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[productimageid] => 117954
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[productimageid] => 80863
[webstockstatuscode] => 2
[productsize] => stdClass Object
[productsizecode] => 1
[productsizename] => Small
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[productsizetooltip] =>
[id] => 1.589
[maxchangesequence] => 0
[productsizecode] => 1
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[sellmultiplecode] => 1
[finalsale] =>
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[prices] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[minqty] => 1
[maxqty] => 0
[price] => 107.50
[screwwizardavailable] =>
[bompartcostid] => 75334
[webpartcategorys] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[webpartcategoryid] => 1937
[partid] => 12933
[webcategoryid] => 210
[webcategoryname] => One Way
[parentwebcategoryid] => 169